
Friday 17 May 2013

Let's Get This Go On The Blog

Hello! Guten Tag! Bonjour! Hola! Shalom! Ciao! And any other translations you'd like me to google! Although I seriously hope you don't need me to speak any language other than the ones I've listed. Most likely I'll just keep to speaking in English. Or poor French. But that's only after you've got a few cocktails in me. You know what Dorothy Parker said: "I like to have a martini, two at the very most. After three I'm under the table, after four I'm writing my amateur blog in broken French!"
Har har! Seriously though, I hope you readers haven't left yet! I need you. Otherwise it's just me and my cat over here!
That me is Caitlin by the way! You can call me… Caitlin. I'm starting this blog because I've been reading some style blogs and my extremely attractive and brilliant friend Sarah K. has encouraged me to start one of my own. Her blog is great and if you think this is one here is ok, I guarantee you this is like crap compared to hers.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that so early on in my blogging career. Oh well. No backsies!
So what are we (me and my cat) all doing here? Well I'll tell you Mr. Whiskers!
This is a style bloggerino. Meaning I'm going to take photos of things I wear and then talk about it. But here's the cherry on top: I'll be in the photos wearing the clothes! (And the crowd goes wild)
My style is a little bit of everything so if you like the idea of 31 flavours taking shape in items of moderately price clothing stick around kids!
Maybe I'll just get to photos before even Mr. Whiskers leaves.

So this is moi!

Just casually chillin' on a bridge, as is usual in my average day.

Hello, Sir!

Don't worry if you can't find me in this one, Mr. Whiskers! It's just a shot of the beautiful creek itself!


Blazer- Material Girl fr. The Bay 
Dress- Monki- gift fr. my lovely brother! 
Shoes- D fr. Shoe Warehouse

It was a nice sunny day, which is rare over here ( St. John's, Newfoundland- bee tee dub) so I thought I'd wear something that reflected the not yet fully summer, but bright, day. This outfit represents a conflict of ideals in some ways... well one way.... My wonderful older brother bought me this dress while he was wandering 'round Europe. He was also with me when I bought this blazer- he was not so much a fan of it. So this will be called my Kyle love/hate outfit. Are you writing this down Mr. Whiskers?

I absolutely love all the pieces in this outfit, unlike my brother. This shoes were a great deal and fairly comfortable for the fact that they turn me from "slightly above average height" to "amazonian." The blazer really is like the weather right now- it's in between seasons. It's a transition piece that I'm loving right now. It turns my winter depressing darks into spring forwards. And my spring forwards into winter darks! Well... not really... BUT I do feel like it turns my sun dresses into sunset dresses perhaps making it more spring appropriate? But what do I know... it's not like I'm writing a style blog or anything....

Point is.... what's the point again?.... Oh right! Point is I love how comfortable and spring-y this outfit is! And it doesn't hurt that it shows a bit o' leg either! Hello taxi drivers!

Well I'll leave you with perhaps a more suitable (and accurate) quote from Dorothy Parker:
"If you wear a short enough skirt, the party will come to you."

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