
Thursday 11 July 2013

What? No one told me you had to make more than one post!

I have to admit,  dear bloggers, had I known that a blog was more than a singular post, I probably would not have started this BUT there's no going back now. The folks who run the google have tigers on to your scent if you try to run away from the blogging commitment. It's like that movie.... You've Got Mail.

Now. What was I going to say next? Right. Transition phrases!
Ok so, summer is now upon us. For some of you who do not live where I live -as I've recently found out that's possible- summer has been going on for quite some time. For us here, in St. John's, summer has a pretend phase. It pretends it's of age, comes out for a few drinks, but then realizes it doesn't really like the kids who are drinking so goes back to it's parents basement until it's legal and it's the proper time for clubbing.....

... that metaphor kind of got away from me. The point is one day we had dandelions.
Now now now.... before you get all excited, all hot and bothered, all pumped up, dandelions are not lions wearing top hats or lions at all for that matter. I know, I know, I was surprised too!
But as I've recently learned- in addition to learning that people live other places than I do- is that just because it's not a lion doesn't mean it's not fun.

Dandelions are approximately one vertical Cait in height! Very scientific of me!  

You say it t-shirt!

Oh yes! Bring me my grapes that I may eat lying down.

also, I am wearing:
T-shirt: 6 Dollar Shirts
Skirt: This tiny shop in Montreal that sells everything for 8 bucks
Tights: Forever 21
Shoes: Spring 

This is one of my favourite outfits of late. It makes me feel other worldly... or perhaps even parallel universely! In that universe everyone is just slightly more flowy. I bet Captain Kirk would make out with that!.... This skirt is amazeballs by itself, I can wear it with almost anything and love it. One of the best things about it is that I can pair it up with this t-shirt. I have a tendency to buy shirts, like this one, that have awesome things written on them but then once their stuffed into my closest I have no idea what to wear them with. This one is good already because it's such a lovely shade of pink but often my collection of wicked shirts are slightly manly or just unisex. High waisted skirts have become my solution to this problem and I find they definitely add to any awesome t-shirt.  This high waisted skirt and tee combo  has the bonus of drawing Captain Kirk in with its magical flowiness, while at the same time letting him know that "he ain't gettin' NUN". 

Well dear bloggers, that's all for this evening. But I hope this post has inspired you to question yourself what outfits may solicit advances from fictional characters from 60 year old science fiction. (It is the year 2000!)

Au Revoir Mes Amis!
xoxo Cait Tron

1 comment:

  1. I am commenting because you're hi-LAR-ious!
    and easy on the eyes, too. you're the total package!
